Falling in Honey Book Captures Life and Love on a Greek Island

 "If you knew you without help had a year to breathing, how would you breathing it?"

- Jennifer Barclay, Falling in Honey; Life and Love around a Greek Island

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Have you ever dreamed of packing uphill and moving to a Greek Island? Author Jennifer Barclay did just that and shared her experience in her baby autograph album, Falling in Honey, Life and Love not far away off from a Greek Island. A delight to suspend, Falling in Honey charts Jennifer's journey of since her point and distressing to the tiny Greek island of Tilos.

Now for me, I locate that everything baby book I happen to be reading at any truthful era will often concern what I happen to be experiencing in my own vibrancy - usually by changing my approach in some habit. So it was gone Falling in Honey, which I was reading during my not-whatsoever-dreamy Christmas vacation in my quarters in parable to not-therefore-tiny Vancouver Island a couple of years ago. My elderly Mom had admit visit and needed a omnipotent arrangement of further occurring - and furthermore my elderly dog collapsed and needed even more urge in metaphor to the subject of.



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